Monday, June 15, 2009

Frustrated and Confused

I feel a viral, sickening sense of complacency toward the needs of our American troops…particularly our wounded warriors who have given so much--for us. I don’t know whether it is only within my group of acquaintences...or if it is infecting all Americans at home. Are we too far from the fighting to truly care? Has it become “old hat” to read news of the wounded or killed in action…suicide bombers…the latest Taliban actions…Pakistan refugees…Al Qaeda news… Have we become numb to this news?

I see all these yellow ribbon magnets on the backs of those folks truly understand what the ribbon represents? Do they believe that slapping that magnet on the car is really supporting the troops?

I know that some folks are worn and weary from trying to do so very much…working so hard…giving time…losing sleep…and making personal sacrifices to provide meaningful support for our heroes fighting on behalf of Country.

Still...there are far more of those who can’t give up a manicure, a night at the movies or bowling or Facebook time to make some genuine effort on behalf of our wounded troops on the front lines of these conflicts.

Have you read the news about how difficult the jobs our military medical staff have…how hard it is for them to take the broken bodies of our troops and put them back together? And how those troops then rejoin their units to fight another day? How many can’t be helped enough on the front lines and are evacuated to other facilities where they can hopefully be restored? Can you just imagine their jobs? Can you imagine the indignity of having no underwear while being treated because all of your clothing was cut off to assess your wounds?

Have you read the news of the struggles these soldiers face when they arrive back in America and try to rebuild their lives with artificial limbs, in wheelchairs, with scars that make them barely recognizable to even their families? Or those who arrive home physically ‘whole’, but so traumatized by living in a battle zone that the sound of a car door slamming next door makes them hit the floor? How difficult it is to readjust to lives at home that have gone on without them?

Or is it too hard to read, so you just skip those stories?

Morale can win or lose a war. Morale is significant to the number of injuries sustained, and troops killed. We are doing our very best to support these troops so that they know the love and comfort of a very grateful nation. We want their morale to be as high as the morale in the World Wars. We want so badly to do it RIGHT this time for our troops…disregarding any political, ideological or religious views of the war or other conflicts that the United States may be involved in. These folks committed to doing their all for our nation. They are doing us proud, and they deserve the same in return.

I am asking myself whether America is willing to make some real, tangible effort on behalf of our troops.

1 comment:

  1. You have to wonder what is going to take. The young men and women who sacrifice for this great country always seem to be on the "bottom of the list" so to speak. It is past time priorities change in this country. To often have I heard I have heard I do not support the wars. My reply is always the same, "Many have made the ultimate sacrifice so you can voice your opinion in public. You don't have to support the war but you should support the Troops"!
